Partnerships & Workshops

In this space you will find information about my creative collaborations and workshops.

Vivian Barreira portrait photo
Mandalas & Numerology

A unique experience that brings together Art, meditation, sacred geometry, connection with creative power, numerology, self-knowledge, sharing and much more.

A moment with art to get in touch with the sacred that exists in you.

Connect with Kaína
Kaína Morais and Vivian Barreira portraits
Mandalas and Numerology event group photoMandalas and Numerology event photoMandalas and Numerology event photoMandalas and Numerology event photoMandalas and Numerology event photoMandalas and Numerology event photoVivian Barreira and Kaína Morais
Numerology & Feng Shui

An online workshop to reshape your space and renew your mindset for full prosperity using interior design, Feng Shui and Numerology to Design Your Workspace and your home.

Connect with Ana
Ana Laura Casagrande and Vivian Barreira portraits
Numerology & House Numbers

How does the house number influence people's lives?

Connect with Ana
Ana Laura Casagrande and Vivian Barreira portraits
Numerology for Artists - Numerology & Dance

Talking about Numerology for Artists - Numerology and Dance.

Connect with Kátia
Kátia Barros & Vivian Barreira
Matt Johnson

Web Designer, Graphic Designer
& Intuitive Card Reader

Matt Johnson profile
Marco Tesi

Somatic Emotional Healing sessions, Men's Circles and Sound Healing events

Marco Tesi profile
Karla Paniagua

Surreal Fashion Creativity

Karla Paniagua profile
“Whenever you interact with people, don’t be there primarily as a function or a role, but as the field of conscious Presence. You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are.”

Eckhart Tolle